Interventions Canada

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At Interventions Canada, we pride ourselves in our continuing education, extensive experience, professional certifications, and wide range of specialties in areas of alcoholism and substance abuse. We are also trained to treat complex trauma and mental health disorders. With a 92% success rate – we are proven leaders in our industry!

Our wrap around services for individuals and their families are comprehensive and encompass all the stages of the intervention process. Guiding the individual and their families through treatment, early recovery, and aftercare. 

An intervention is a loving, non-judgmental, factual meeting directed by a Certified Intervention Professional in which family and friends approach the individual about their issues in a calm and safe setting to introduce them to life saving help.

An intervention is a lifesaving mission whereby loving family members, concerned friends, or employers are educated about addictions and/or mental health. The interventionist will guide you through the entire intervention process, advocating for the family, friends, and the individual struggling with addictions and/or mental health challenges.

Our highly qualified certified intervention professionals will guide you through the entire intervention process, continuously advocating for the individual struggling with addictions and/or mental health challenges and their families.

Interventions Canada has a high success rate of navigating families and their untreated loved ones with addiction or mental health services to start the recovery process after an intervention. Intervention brochure!

Case management and coaching services are services that go hand in hand.

Case management helps individuals and their loved ones to manage what seems like an unamalgamable situation by assisting them in navigating through the entire treatment and aftercare process. Case Management will help minimize the emotional pressures individuals and families experience while building healthy relationships through the recovery process. Another vital component of case management is ensuring the families of the identified person receive the specific support they need to rebuild healthy dynamics for the collective wellbeing of all parties involved.

Coaching services provide ongoing support and
education for individuals and their families affected by addictions and/or mental health challenges. Case Management brochure. 

Families reach out to Interventions Canada to ask for expert advice, seek consultation and understand our treatment process and placement services because they are concerned about their loved one’s addictions and/or mental health challenges. It is heartbreaking to watch a loved one suffer and feel that you are unable to help.

At Interventions Canada, we address individuals, and their families’ concerns using our detailed assessment process. Working together with their best interests at heart to develop a treatment plan and treatment program.

It all starts with a phone call for a free consultation. You have nothing to lose but a lifetime to gain.

Interventions Canada provides transportation and sober companion services to accompany clients to and from treatment, recovery meetings, court and other destinations to help keep them from triggers and urges that the outside world exposes them to.

Transportation Companionship Services include:

  •  24/7 treatment transportation companionship services
  • Transportation for individuals into residential treatment facilities
  • Transportation for individuals into detox programs
  • Drug and alcohol screening and testing
  • Transportation for clients after Intervention services
  • Nursing transport support services available as needed 

Interventions Canada provides aftercare treatment services. Aftercare treatment services can be an integral part of achieving long term recovery. Both short and long-term aftercare support is available as it suits the needs of the individual.

Most individuals spend 30-90 days in an inpatient rehab facility. For many, adjusting to life in recovery after rehab proves to be more challenging. Especially with the loss of the rehab structure and the reappearance of external factors and influences.

Studies show it takes up to two years for recovery to fully take hold. Accountability is the key to a successful recovery plan. Enrolling in aftercare services shows higher success for long term recovery. Recovery does not end with rehabilitation. In fact, recovery is a lifelong commitment. If you take your attention away from recovery goals, your risk of relapsing is far greater without assessing professional support. We strongly believe meeting individuals and their families to facilitate evaluations and assessment processes is the best way to develop a treatment plan. This also sets the foundation for successful treatment planning.

We invite you to take advantage of this opportunity to learn and grow with industry leaders in the field of trauma-informed healing.

Our recovery coaches help individuals through one-on-one support. We support individuals in all stages of recovery as well as individualized in-home support. These services are available as stand-alone services or as part of a more comprehensive support package as determined by the needs of the client.

We provide a 30-minute free consultation by gathering information on clients assessing the current situation and providing professional direction to discuss all options that are open to you and your loved ones.

Get Help Now

1-800-638-1812 Toll Free Internationally

415-827-3725 Cell /Text 415-578-2875 Office

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