Interventions Canada was founded by Patricia Pike of CanAm Interventions. She seen clearly the dire need for services in Canada.
The number of individual’s suffering from addiction and mental health conditions has risen dramatically over the last decade, with the recent covid pandemic only making substance abuse and mental health conditions more challenging for persons to access help on their own.
We provide services targeting individuals and families in geographic locations throughout Canada struggling with addiction, mental health diagnoses, and trauma informed conditions. We strive to unite individuals and their families by guiding and navigating best evidence services.
At Interventions Canada, we specialize in working with complex addiction and/or mental health cases. Our professional team are available to address the needs of our clients and guide families through many crises. We are available throughout Canada and have many professionals available to take your call, emails and can be reached 7/ days a week.
Our corporate affiliations included California Consortium of Addiction Programs and Professionals (CCAPP), Canadian Addiction Counselors Certification Federation (CACCF), Association of Intervention Specialists (AIS) and Pennsylvania Certification Board for Certified Intervention Professionals (PCB/CIP). Interventions Canada team is fully equipped with education and professional backgrounds to support families and their identified loved one(s) who are struggling with alcoholism, addiction or additional complex mental health conditions.
Take a moment to reflect on your story and how you, as the concerned party, are being affected by your loved one’s addictions or mental health challenges. Imagine if you will, that there is a large elephant in the room. The elephant being the actions of your loved one that have harmed you in their addiction. Think now of how you and your family are reacting to the “elephant in the room”. Do you find yourself fearful to walk, talk, or that you will do something to wake this domineering, destructive elephant?
Do you find that on some days, you tip toe around this elephant? Afraid to even look or act, unsure as to what will trigger a negative response? Are you terrified that one day, the actions of the elephant, your loved one in their addiction, will end in their complete loss of hope and ultimately, their loss of life due to the powerful, hopeless nature of their disease?
I want you to take note how you feel around your loved ones and how you are been held hostage by your loved ones addictions.
It is vital for you as a family member to understand that their addiction, and consequent behavior is based on self centeredness, denial, justification and their jaded rationalization of any and all harmful actions. Addiction is a disease aptly described as “one too many is never enough”.
If you continue, as their loved one, to tip toe, to walk on eggshells, remember that no matter what you do, or don’t do or say, eventually the elephant in the room will awaken.
If any of this rings true, know that it is time for professional help. It’s time to find a way to feel hope again.
Patricia have seen the number of individual’s suffering from addiction and mental health issues risen dramatically over the last decade, with the recent fentanyl and Covid pandemic, it has only made substance abuse disorder for alcohol and drugs and mental health conditions more of an emergency.
At Interventions Canada, we take pride having the highest standard of education, experience very seriously by providing evidence-based practices in all our services. Ms. Pike has trained many professionals throughout Canada and the United States providing education trainings for interventions credentials and certifications. Patricia provides intervention training throughout Canada; she has helped over 300 professionals obtain education credentials so they can help others in their communities.
Our professional affiliations included California Consortium of Addiction Programs and Professionals (CCAPP), Canadian Addiction Counselors Certification Federation (CACCF), Association of Intervention Specialists (AIS) and Pennsylvania Certification Board for Certified Intervention Professionals (PCB/CIP). Interventions Canada team is fully equipped with education and professional backgrounds to support families and their identified loved one(s) who are struggling with alcoholism, addiction or additional complex mental health conditions.
- Master accredited certification in addiction studies
- Licensed Advanced Alcohol and Drug Counselor (LAADC)
- Internationally Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor (I.C.A.A.D.C)
- Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor (CADC-II)
- Certified Intervention Professional (CIP)
- Canada Certified Professional (CCIP)
- Adult Education Instructor Diploma (AED
- Professional liability insurance through HSPO
- High standards for quality of care and resources
- Upholding and protecting confidentiality
- Adhering to the code of ethics
- Extraordinary 92% success rate for helping those in need to access treatment.
- Specializing in concierge services to meet client’s needs.
- Canadian Addiction Counselor Association Federation
- California Consortium of Addiction Programs and Professionals
- Internationally Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor through the IC&RC
- Education Provider: PCB, CACCF & CCAPP
- Board Member: Association of Intervention Specialists (AIS)
- Provide online Intervention training 101 and 102 courses.
- Helped hundreds of individuals and families internationally.
- Draws experience from both professional and from her own personal journey with decades in recovery.
- Strongly believes in having a direct, heart-to-heart conversation can start the road to recovery.
- We specialize working with complex substance abuse disorders and mental health cases.
- We ethically refer to inpatient and outpatient treatment programs and to other professionals to meet the needs of our clients.
At Interventions Canada, we take pride in having the highest standard of education and on-site experiences for all of our professionals who help us support the families who need it most. Our corporate affiliations included CCAPP, CACCF, AIS and PCB/CIP. All of our staff are fully equipped to support families and their identified loved one(s) who are struggling with alcoholism, addiction and/or additional complex mental health disorders.
1-800-638-1812 Toll Free Internationally
415-827-3725 Cell /Text
415-578-2875 Office